Based in New Orleans, this is a blog by Justin Alcon. His posts explore family, art, nature, and technology through photos and prose.
A North Carolina native, Justin currently lives in New York City. He can usually be found at Estee Lauder Online, where he's the Microservices Lead. Prior to that, he worked at Conde Nast, Viacom, and Justin is passionate about the internet, media, art, and food.
On his off hours, Justin likes to CrossFit and make abstract art. He also cooks, writes, and makes music. Anything where the process ends with human consumption. Most of his friends know Justin enjoys New Orleans Jazz, collects records, and is a regular at the local pub.
Some folks know that there is a picture of Justin's family in the June 2006 National Geographic because he is descended from circus freaks.
Use the links to Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook to connect. All opinions are Justin's.